I think we can all admit that there are times in life where we are just going through the motions. Not really thinking about what we are really doing, just living on autopilot. It’s not bad, in fact it’s completely normal, but who thinks about photographing that?

Sometimes it’s important to remember those ‘auto pilot’ moments are deposits into our memory bank and they are important too.

It’s the realization that I was missing those moments that got me back into photography and blogging. After an almost two year break I found something was missing, evidence of the life I was living. The early morning routine, the unsuspected sibling love, the sleepy child. Sure, I remembered them, but nothing can replace the physical photo.

And though they aren’t some of the monumental life moments that we are so used to photographing (the first day of school, weddings, new babies) they are still worth documenting. Which brings me to capturing the everyday. Sometimes the off the cuff smile, or the frustration of your child sitting over a pile of homework can be some of the sweetest, and real, photographs you take.

Part of my personal struggle when taking photos has been perfection. If the lighting is bad, the background is a complete mess, and I can’t shake that photo bomber I get frustrated. Now I have to admit, this is still something I’m working on, but I have realized all those things that where were driving me crazy were completely organic.  In real life the lighting can be horrible (have you ever tried to take a recital photo in a gym? Terrible!) And let’s be honest, none of us live in that superbly clean house that we all see on Pinterest. Oh, and the person bombing all your shots? Well, they make for just another chapter you can add to your photo story.

So grab your camera, forget the expectations of the perfect photo and just shoot. Capture your everyday.