Shoshone Falls is one of those waterfalls you wouldn’t expect to see located amongst rocky cliffs and sagebrush. But, winding it’s way through southern Idaho, the Snake River drops 212 feet to create this magnificent waterfall lovingly referred to as the Niagara of the West! It’s a popular tourist attraction for obvious reasons, but not all visitors are lucky enough to see it at its peak flow. Late this spring (May 2024), Steve and I happened to be there on a bright blue-sky day when the falls were at their best and caught some beautiful drone footage of the falls, and some photos, too!

Featured Photos:

This first photo is my favorite from this little Photo Adventure! It’s a closeup of the falls and the sheer beauty and power of the water surging over the rocky cliff is incredible. I especially love the rocks peeking out from behind the swaths of water, as the mist rises, half-veiling what’s below.

Sheer Power | Nikon D850 | 24-70mm lens at 70mm | f/22 | 1/20 sec | ISO 31

As I mentioned, not everyone is lucky enough to see Shoshone Falls at peak flow. During late summer through winter, the river slows as it’s diverted to water nearby fields. In the spring, as runoff from the mountains makes its way to the valley floor, the falls come alive with the power you see below.

Shoshone Awakened | Nikon D850 | 24-70mm lens at 24mm | f/22 | 1/20 sec | ISO 31

While my focus was on the falls, as I was leaving the overlook, I glanced back and saw this majestic sight. The way the mist from the falls rose up the canyon wall shrouded the view of the river beyond, giving it a mysterious aura.

Journey into the Mist | Nikon D850 | 24-70mm lens at 24mm | f/8 | 1/200 sec | ISO 200

What’s Up Next?

Along a remote stretch of the Snake River lies a treasure few are fortunate enough to see. Only accessible by river craft, the Blue Heart Springs is something out of a Caribbean dream. Stay tuned for my next short video where I’ll take you to this magical location, giving you a bird’s eye view with our trusty little drone!

In the meantime, make sure you head on over to Youtube and subscribe so you don’t miss any of the fun! You can also sign up for our newsletter, where you’ll be the first to know when we drop a new episode. Until next time, get out there, get clickin’, adventure awaits!