One of my favorite places to visit when I find myself traveling through Twin Falls in Southern Idaho is Shoshone Falls. Known as the Niagara of the West, Shoshone Falls is over 200 feet tall and 900 feet wide, making it one of the largest waterfalls in the US. When the flow is at its peak (dependent upon snowmelt and irrigation needs), it’s an impressive sight to see. While maximum flow wasn’t happening during our visit this year, you’ll still see it featured in the Photo Adventure as a flashback. I end up capturing one of my favorite photos I’ve ever captured of Shoshone Falls on this visit, and it wouldn’t have been possible if the flow was any more than it was on this particular day. Find out why in today’s Photo Adventure…

Featured Photos:

It’s no secret that I love to use Photo Veils in my editing process, and I think you’ll agree that in these photos of Shoshone Falls, the Illumination Collection in particular, adds a certain bit of life to areas that might otherwise seem a tad lackluster. See what I mean by sliding the sliders to the left to reveal the images AFTER Photo Veils were applied.

I used Photo Veils from the Botanical and Illumination Collections to create the warm sunlit appearance throughout these photos.

I composed this first photo in layers featuring the rocky cliff in the background, the gorgeous cascade of water in the middle, with the brush framing out the foreground. I also love the balance created by the power plant, the upper fall, and the main cascade, making a triangle pattern that keeps your eye moving throughout the photograph. Also, notice the warm sunlit glow created by the Photo Veils as you reveal the after image by sliding the slider to the left.

Nikon D850 | 24-70mm lens at 45mm | Focus-Stacked Image

I changed my viewing location in order to capture the following photo. I wanted a similar composition to the previous photo, but I wanted to reveal more of the waterfall hitting the river below. The mist created by this force of water adds a magical element to the photo. Also, notice the gorgeous golden light that awakens the left-hand side of this composition? I honestly love the life that these Photo Veils add to these photos!

Nikon D850 | 24-70mm lens at 24mm | Focus-Stacked Image

And lastly, my favorite photo I’ve ever captured of Shoshone Falls. I love how the rocks on either side of the falls frame it out, creating an almost symmetrical look to the photo, and the golden glow of the mist hitting the river below… magical! This photo wouldn’t have been possible if the flow would have been at it’s maximum rate, and I’m so thankful for that. I love the contrast between the rugged rocks and elegance of the falling water.

Nikon D850 | 24-70mm lens at 70mm | f/22 | 1.3 sec | ISO 31

What’s Up Next?

Thank you so much for joining me on this Photo Adventure exploring Shoshone Falls! I hope you enjoyed it. Next, we’re heading to the desert to capture some pretty amazing sand dunes against an epic sunset sky. You won’t want to miss this one. And yes, to answer your question, we’re still in the state of Idaho. Like I’ve said in the past, Idaho has such diverse terrain, making it a photographer’s playground!

In the meantime, make sure you head on over to Youtube and subscribe so you don’t miss any of the fun! You can also sign up for our newsletter, where you’ll be the first to know when we drop a new episode. Until next time, get out there, get clickin’, adventure awaits!

Want to Try Photo Veils?

Want to try some Veils and Textures on your own photos? Grab a free sample pack here.

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